Monday, November 4, 2013


As most of you know, I went to Hawaii this summer (July 2013). Sadly, my iPod was crashing/malfunctioning while on the trip, so it only saved about 12 of the 50  pictures I took. :(
Here are the best ones - enjoy!

          Here is a gate at Ilolani Palace.
           The colors were so vibrant! 

This was in the "courtyard" of the USS Arizona monument

I think this was taken from our hotel balcony (we stayed at he Hilton Hawaiian Village)

By the bathrooms at the USS Arizona monument

On the hotel grounds (a strip of Waikiki Beach)
This was taken on the first day of our vacation. See the rainbow?

This picture was (obviously) taken on the plane. I was SO exited to finally see Hawaii!


Hey everyone!


I'm SOOOO sorry I haven't been blogging at all lately.
I was sick for a little while and I've been SO bogged down with school work. (it's crazy how much school I have to do!) I'm trying to get back into the roll of blogging at least once a week.
(Hey well this kinda counts as a post...right?!? JK)

Well thank you for taking the time to continue to read my blog! It means A LOT!!

Thanks again,