Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Two Summer Accessories

Here's some random pics of a Surf Channel hat (I got for my B-day) and a deer necklace I got from Forever 21 with my cousin. :) hehehe!

Monday, May 27, 2013

Happy Memorial Day 2013!

WOW! A lot has happened since last year's Memorial Day! The latest event being the tornado in Oklahoma.
Take some time today to think about all those precious lives that have been lost...both military and those who lost their lives because of the tornado.

Here's some cool videos to lift your spirits and help us remember...

1] Heaven needed a hero - a touching tribute to fallen soldiers

2] Teen Rescues 2 Little Girls From Tornado Rubble!

3] Tornado Survivor Reunited With Her Dog Buried Alive in Rubble!

4] The Price of Freedom 

5] We Remember - A Moving Memorial Day Tribute


 For those who fight for it, life has a special flavor the protected will never know.

May God bless all of you!


*NOTE* All videos were taken from Godtube.com