Saturday, March 30, 2013

Everything Easter

This will be my second post on this (new) blog!
Well tomorrow is EASTER...YAY....!!!!!
(I have to stop putting "!" after every sentence)

So, as I said...Easter is tomorrow--
and so I thought I might share with you a few of my  favorite Easter traditions, food, and just plain goodness!

This one is probably my Dad's favorite.....and one of mine too.
It's a food and a tradition. Isn't it weird how most traditions are food related (at least in my family they are)! :D

If you know my family, you know that we LOVE  Italian food.
(you should also know that my Dad is 100% Italian...but that will be later post)
The food/tradition is called Frittata.
Basically, it's an Italian omelet.
Try it!

These recipes are from Food are two of the closest I could find to my family's recipe.
    First Frittata    
  Second Frittata 

The next food/tradition:

Here's a picture of my 2009 (mind you, I was only 9 when I did this) Easter Lamb cake.
If I have time, I may post this year's cake. (I'm going to make it after this.)

My family also colors eggs.
Then my Grammy makes a special bread with the colored eggs tucked in.
The bread makes a "nest" for the eggs. It's really quite cute!

The Resurrection Eggs are one of the earliest traditions I can remember.
Starting 12 days before Easter, my family opens the first egg. When you reach the last day (Easter Sunday), there's a special surprise!
If you are looking to start a family tradition with your family....TRY THESE!!!!!

Here's the link to buy them.
Resurrection Eggs

Among these traditions, my family still enjoys our yearly Easter Egg Hunt!
The Lord only knows how many Easter eggs are still hidden in my Grammy and Papa's back well as yards across the world! :)

Though these traditions are still fun, the best and most important tradition in my family is celebrating the death AND the resurrection of Jesus Christ!

May that be your favorite tradition this Easter season too!

P.S. This is my first time doing the links....sorry if they don't work.

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